Student Crime Stoppers

Student Crime Stoppers – Do the right thing!

Student Crime Stoppers is a program that encourages students in High School, Community College or University who may have information about criminal activity, to call or submit a tip electronically, to N.B. Crime Stoppers.

N.B. Crime Stoppers wants your help in maintaining the safe environment which exists within all high schools and post-secondary institutions throughout New Brunswick.

Do the right thing! If you have information about a crime committed in your school, consider helping the victim, don’t let a bully get away with victimizing your school, or your community.

By calling Crime Stoppers on such crimes as theft, vandalism, drugs, weapons, or assault, you can take an active role in keeping your school safe.

Remember: Your information will be taken very seriously and in strict confidence. Your anonymity is our promise. You never have to give your name or testify in court. If your tip leads to an arrest, you become eligible for a cash award, if desired. Please be assured, N.B. Crime Stoppers does not subscribe to call display or record any calls.

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Video provided by Crime Stoppers of York Region ( Used by N.B. Crime Stoppers, Inc. with permission. Produced by Ontario Association of Crime Stoppers


What is Student Crime Stoppers?

The Student Crime Stoppers program is designed to bring students, the community, and law enforcement together to prevent crimes at school, and create a safe learning environment. Students have the right to learn and live their daily lives without having their property stolen, being harassed, threatened, or assaulted. The program offers students a tool to stand up against crime without reprisal, retaliation or peer pressure through a confidential and anonymous tipsline. The program is designed to make the institution a safer place to learn and reduce crime in the schools and local community.

Student Crime Stoppers can serve as a foundation for those schools with students wishing to pursue a career in law enforcement. These students may create a Crime Stoppers group within their school to promote and support the objectives of this program. Some initiatives these students might undertake may include: having law enforcement guest speakers, organizing crime prevention events, planning safe student dances, making students more safety conscience regarding their laptops, iPods, cell phones, lockers, and personal belongings, and organizing fundraising events to fund projects that will make their school a safer place to learn. Those schools that currently have police presence or involvement can use the resources of Student Crime Stoppers to support their initiatives.


Campus Crime Stoppers: A Safer Campus is Your Call

All universities and community colleges in New Brunswick are supporting N.B. Crime Stoppers by making their students and faculty more aware of the benefits of the Crime Stoppers program. Campus Crime Stoppers is designed to promote safety within the University and College community. The University of New Brunswick, St. Thomas University, Mount Allison University, Université de Moncton, and NBCC all support a safe, crime-free environment, and the Crime Stoppers program is another method students can use to report criminal activity anonymously.

All incoming students will be given information about N.B. Crime Stoppers and the methods they can use to report crime anonymously. Specially designed posters will be visible within the University and College community buildings as a reminder to students that this program is available for their use, if necessary. The Campus Security Departments are very supportive of the partnership with N.B. Crime Stoppers as it reinforces existing safety programs.


Crimes that can be prevented or reduced with your information:

  • Weapon possession such as guns, knives
  • Threats / bullying
  • Fighting or planned fighting
  • Suicide threat
  • Sexual / physical assault
  • Child abuse
  • Dating violence / stalking
  • School or building threat
  • Drug dealing / liquor possession
  • Gang activity
  • Bomb threat
  • Vandalism / graffiti
  • Bicycle or vehicle theft
  • Damage or theft of equipment
  • Location of stolen property
  • Misuse of fire alarms
  • Arson

Know something? How do I provide information to Crime Stoppers?

Do you have information on a criminal activity that has occurred or is about to happen? Are you concerned about recognition or retaliation from others? If you wish to remain anonymous and do not wish to discuss this crime with law enforcement or school officials, there is an alternative that might result in you receiving a cash award of up to $2,000:

TALK: Call us toll-free at our confidential and anonymous tipsline at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477)

TYPE: Submit a tip via our secure online form @

TAP: Download our free Mobile App on Apple iTunes™ or Google Play™

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