Frequently Asked Questions

Crime Stoppers is a registered charitable organization that receives calls and tips online from individuals who want to report information about a crime and wish to remain totally anonymous. Crime Stoppers is one way that citizens can assist law enforcement by providing information and never having to identify themselves or testify in court.

At Crime Stoppers, we believe everyone has the right to feel safe, regardless of where they live in New Brunswick.

We're here to help you tackle crime in your community - by phone, mobile app, and online, 24/7, 365 days a year.

We're an independent Canadian Registered Charity that gives you the power to speak up and stop crime anonymously.

We know that it can be difficult to come forward with information. You might have seen or heard something about a crime but don't know what to do or are scared to give information for fear of reprisal. It's easy to think there is nothing you can do, but we offer you a safe, secure, and anonymous way to do this.

Call us in both official languages

Our Toll-Free Tipsline at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) has trained and confidential bilingual (English & French) operators to assist you and guide you through the process.

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